Kite & Board Association
Workbook & Security concept

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Kite-Landboarding Workbook

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Level System

Level 1 Theory
• safety
• costumer's material
• priority rules
• meteorology
• theory exam
Level 2 Flight School
• safe control of the kite
• maneuvering- starting/landing signals
• times fly
Level 3 Practice
• controlled driving in a staked area
• driving a jaw in a staked area 4x4
• demonstrating emergency braking (on flag signal)
• drive safely and controlled "on the wind" (keep altitude)
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Kitelandboarding: Workbook
Official KBA-Manual for beginners and advanced
1st edition, September 2015
Produced and Published by:
Kite & Board Association e.V. (Germany)
Photos: Sedat Mehder / Nika Kramer
Layout, settings and arrangements: Alexandar Nuskovski, Eric Kruschel, Leon Kruse
Printing: Trigger-Copy
Copyright Kite & Board Association, © 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by
any means, without the prior permission of the publisher.
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Table of Contents
Page 8 Foreword
Page 9 Safety concept
Page 10 Wind athletes
Page 11 Material costumers
Page 15 Security system
Page 17 Wind
Page 18 Weather front
Page 19 Wind Tempelhof
Page 20 Int. Kite sign
Page 21 Safety distance
Page 22 Wind window
Page 23 Softzone-Powerzone
Page 24 Kite safety
Page 25 Important
Page 26 Right of way
Page 29 Rule catalog
Page 30 Badges
Page 31 Wind table
Page 32 Lexicon
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We, the Kite & Board Association are an association of qualified kitesurfers, kitesurf instructors and kite schools who have joined forces to create a better and safer environment for wind sports.
For this purpose, we have developed badges for Landkiteboarder based on the water sports. These should ensure a minimum of practical skills and theoretical knowledge. For this purpose, we have created a security concept on how safe and hazard-free land kiting should and can be done on the Tempelhof Field.
In addition, our regular presence at the Tempelhof Field should provide a permanent contact person for questions about use for kiters. We are convinced that this will significantly improve the coordination of different users and thereby also improve safety.
Kiting is basically a safe sport. However, it is a sport where rules are essential to avoid danger to yourself and others. Therefore, we would like to briefly outline the key security issues that we share with you as part of our courses in this script.
In § 1 of the Highway Code stipulates that participation in road traffic requires constant care and consideration. This requirement applies even more to kite sports. When land kiting is therefore always behave so that no one else is harmed, endangered, disabled or harassed. This basic rule is at the top of the list when using the Tempelhof Field. Therefore, not only safety distances should be considered or suitable material should be used, but it must be ensured that all kiters on the Tempelhof field have the necessary know-how to design the kitesport so that a threat to others can be completely excluded.
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Security concept
The safety concept is based on collision prevention
The security principle is understood as a dynamic process between the individual user groups of Tempelhof Field.
Consideration and respect are among his main pillars. The wind sport is always under consideration of the safety distance, double the length of lining to operate.
Thus, a collision is basically excluded. If, in case of particularly heavy traffic to the field, the guarantee of the safety distance is not given, the wind athlete will automatically move to areas that guarantee the safety distance.
The badge based on this security concept contributes significantly to the awareness of this process and includes a special liability insurance, designed for kitelandboarding.
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( Line carrier )
Kiteboarding is one of the aviation sports and requires the use of line.
The sport is subject to the applicable right of way.
Security query is necessary.
( Line carrier )
The street kiting is one of the aviation sports and requires the use of line.
The sport is subject to the applicable right of way.
Security query is necessary.
( Mast carrier )
The athletes are always actively involved with the rig and have a small action area.
The sport is subject to the applicable right of way.
Security query not necessary.
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Specific shape through air chambers (tubes). In particular, the front air chamber (front tube) gives the Tubekite its specific C-shape. The front, the side where the wind meets the kite, is called Leading Edge.
In addition, Tubekites have so-called strutes or transverse tubes. They run from the front (leading edge) to the rear (trailing edge) and are located at a 90 ° angle to the front tube. The transverse tubes provide more stability on the sail surface, with their number varying according to the type of kite. The tubes have to be inflated before starting. Almost all of the newer Tubekites have a "one-pump-system", which ensures that all air chambers are inflated at the same time. However, the task of the tubes in kitesurfing is not exclusively to provide more stability. They guarantee that the screen floats on the water surface, facilitating the relaunch of the water.
No inflatable air chambers (tubes) and are very similar to a conventional paraglider. Closed-cell models have chambers with air inlet valves that extend from the leading edge to the trailing edge and trap the incoming air.
Only softkites with air inlet valves are suitable for use on the water. Open cell soft kites without valves would immediately run out of water in a fall on the water and could not be restarted in the water.
Closed cell kites are also suitable on the water. The field of application of softkites is especially in the country kiting, snow kiting and buggy driving, as they are due to the lack of trachea more stable than Tubekites and break less quickly. The flight characteristics of a softkite are slightly slower than those of a tubekite.

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Single-Skin Kite
These kites do not have a bottom sail, which makes them very light and increases the wind range per square meter. Very effective depower system. The light 4-line bar is very compact. The Front Leash Safety (FLS) lets the kite blow out without pressure and ensures maximum safety.
Lower airspeed and smaller wind window. This makes this kite very easy to control. With the Nasa Star 2, the design of the NASA Wings was changed so much that a depower system was also integrated. In addition, the flight stability was further increased.
The Nasa Star2 can be flown either as Streetkite with short lines (0-7m) or as Depowerkite with long lines (20m).

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Bar (Depowersystem)
The bar describes the pole and the associated lines, with which the kite can be steered. The 4 and 5 Liner Bar has a right and left side with direct connection to the ends of the screen, the control lines. In the middle part of the Barholms run the power lines, which are knotted by the Quick release on the Adjuster to the Briddles of the Leading edge or directly to the contact lines of the Leading edge.
Steering lines (right / left)

Power lines
2-line bar (NASA Star)
The bar is tied via the two control lines (right / left) directly to the lines of the kite.

Handleash (allows pressure-free kite removal, which is attached to the wrist via a leash).
Steering lines (right / left)
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The Harness is a wide waist belt to which the kite is attached. The pull of the kite thus acts on the harness on the body and not on the arms. There are two types: The seat harness with leg loops and the hip harness whose use requires a certain kite routine.
ATB (All-terrain board)
The all-terrain board consists essentially of deck, wheels, binding and axles. The sophisticated construction ensures a nearly perfect snowboard feeling. It can be driven with Channeltruck axles, as well as with normal skate axles (as found on skateboards).
Mostly used in conjunction with Nasa Star kites and small trainer kites or steering mats to ride on paved surfaces.

Helmet and Schoner
Important component of safety equipment.

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The three-level security system
Security level 1

Push the bar away / Depower (arms long)
The bar is pushed away from the body and released if necessary. This causes the depower of the kite and a decrease in traction. In the depleted state, the control lines are no longer tense, the kite has less attack surface in the wind and slowly sinks, depending on the kite more or less pressure, down the wind window edge.
Security level 2

Trigger Quick release
The kite falls from the sky without pressure. Depending on the system, the kite then only hangs on one or two lines (all other lines are tension-free), but still remains connected to the kiter via the safety leash, which is attached to the harness. The kite is now completely flightless! The Quick release can be assembled after triggering and the kite can then be restarted.
Security level 3

Safety Leash
Security level 3 allows the kiter to completely separate from the material. With the release of the Safety Leash, which is ideally attached to the front area of the harness for beginners, the last connection to the kite is also released. The kite, including the line and the bar, is now uncontrolled and may present a safety risk to other athletes and passers-by.
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Security level 1
Arms long and push the bar to the adjuster

Security level 2
Trigger Quick release

Security level 3
Is essential for a holistic security system. Due to forward-looking behavior and skilled handling of the material, only in extreme emergencies.

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The Wind
The weather and especially the wind are fundamental in addition to a suitable kitespot for kite sports. It is very important that the kiter is informed about the local wind conditions and thus correctly assesses the conditions. The Tempelhof Field offers the Land kite boarder excellent conditions, but requires a certain amount of experience in wind and weather forecast, as there is a continuous edge development, which often results in an irregular wind flow. The more regular the wind, the better the ride for the kiter. Gusts should not rise above a certain level, otherwise the development of the kite will become too irregular and thus uncontrollable. For kitelandboarding generally a wind force of about 3 Beaufort should be given. Depending on the condition, the wind is divided into weather wind and thermal wind. The weather wind is the wind currents caused by lows and highs. These are often irregular and influenced by the geography of the terrain. The phenomenon of the thermal wind is negligible on the Tempelhof field.

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Weather front
Thunderstorms can also pull against the wind to windward. As the sky gets dark, the weather is likely to change. Even in extremely gusty conditions, you should not go kiting. Information regarding current weather conditions and weather conditions should be obtained prior to each kite session. This minimizes the risk of being surprised by a sudden change in the weather. Even on site clouds and weather should always be observed.

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Wind condition Tempelhofer Feld
Due to the buildings outside of the Tempelhof field is partly expected with changeable and gusty winds. The wind here needs about one third of the field area to calm down from gusts and to run fairly constant laminar. This phenomenon applies here to every prevailing wind direction. The main wind directions can be divided into south to southeast and west to southwest. Northwest wind or north winds are rare. About the weather conditions should be informed exactly and the weather conditions are well monitored throughout the day. A reasonable self-assessment and an adequate assessment, concerning the spot, wind and weather, are always foundations for a safe execution of the sport, for oneself and others.

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International kite signs
Because of the language barriers and the often large distances between the athletes there is no misunderstanding and ambiguity, uniform signals and signs were agreed. As an internationally recognized kite sign for take-off and landing maneuvers, clear and easy-to-understand signs have been established to ensure the highest level of safety in every situation.
Start clearance of pilot and helper confirmed.
thumbs up

Confirmed by pilot and helper.
Tap on the head with your hand.

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Safety distance 2 line lengths
In the wind direction, the free space should be at least two lengths of line. No obstacles such as houses, trees, shrubs, fences, power lines, rocks, stones, etc. may be found in this safety zone are located. Also make sure that no people, such as walkers, spectators or children playing, are in the flight area of your kite, because they could be injured by the screen or the lines. It must always be paid to as much space and safety distance.

Free ride

Not like that !
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The wind window
The wind window describes the trajectory of the kite. It is limited by the wind direction and the length of the line. The kiter is located in the middle of the wind window and usually stands with his back to the wind. Next, above and in front of him is the wind window, which is limited by the radius of the lines (about 23 m).
Structure of the wind window, if you have the wind in your back, then the wind window is in a half-dome in the leeward side, i. Leeward. Only here the kite can fly. Everything before the kiter (thus also the wind window) is in the LEE. This area is also referred to as "downwind". Everything that lies beyond the field of view (also outside the wind window) is in the LUV. This area is also called "upwind" The front edge of the wind window is called wind window edge. Here the kite has the least traction. Therefore, the kite is always started and landed in this area. Directly above the kite's head is the zenith of the wind window, which is a neutral zone. If the kite develops too much pressure, it should always be flown to this position in the wind window.

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Softzone und Powerzone
Looking from the edge of the wind window a bit further to the middle, there is the soft zone. In this zone, the kite builds up a bit more pressure. When there is enough wind, the kite is always moved in this zone while driving.
Looking straight ahead, so at the bottom of the wind window, is the power zone. Here the kite builds the most pressure. This zone should be avoided as a beginner and use only in very light winds. The semicircle of the Windfensterrandes is generally divided into times. The wind window thus describes the range between 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock. The zenith symbolizes this 12 o'clock.

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Keep the kite safe
With one hand you grip the front tube and with the other hand you hold the kite from the bottom in the pincer grip. Thus, you prevent the kite flying over the place uncontrolled.

Secure the kite
The front tube shows direction windward. Complain the kite with a board or something similar so it does not fly by itself. Make sure that the wind can turn and correct the position of the kite if necessary.

Leads should ideally be wound up. Make sure that your lines are not on paths or runways.
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Most important in course:
Training room
Find a suitable practice room; preferably with a free take-off and landing, at least two lengths of lead to the lee. Remember that trees, Stones, people, animals can become dangerous obstacles. Rescue vehicles should have access to the kite area. Also note the room in Luv! Covers, for example by obstacles, can lead to wind turbulences.
Wind strength
Just go kiting in wind conditions you master. Estimate the wind conditions carefully and pay attention, for example, to buildings and wind turns. Carefully choose the appropriate kite size for your skill and wind conditions.
Wind direction
In general, gusty winds do not allow for safe kiting for oneself and others. The buildings outside the Tempelhof field allow safe kiting only in certain wind directions. These must be checked in advance and on site always and conscientiously.
Check board and kite for function and condition. Check your kite and lines for damage and for a proper body. Always use functional emergency release systems (quick release) on all connections and a safety leash. Safety equipment such as helmet, protectors for knees and elbows should be standard equipment.
Make sure the kite and board are stored safely on land. Start and always land with helpers! Pay attention to the evasion rules and train emergency situations. Never fly or start over persons in the kite's flight radius.
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Right Ways

Oncoming Traffic
Right before left. The right-hand rider (right hand front) has right of way (course keeping required). The rider who drives to the left (left hand front) has to dodge (ideally to Lee)

The overtaking man stays free. The red kiteboarder must maintain sufficient clearance when overtaking the green kiter and must not restrict his freedom of movement.
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45 Degrees
In oncoming traffic or overtaking maneuvers, the kiter flies the kite over 45 degrees in the windward and the kiter in lee under 45 degrees.

The kiter closer to the obstacle has to change course after the change of direction. The rear kiter leaves him enough space by turning early.

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Lee in front of Luv
The overtaking man stays free. The red kiteboarder must maintain sufficient clearance when overtaking the green kiter and must not restrict his freedom of movement.
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§ 1 The kite sport requires constant care and consideration for the visitors and other persons on the Tempelhof field.
§ 2 When kiting on the Tempelhof field, a sufficient safety distance of at least two line lengths / approximately 50 meters to other kiters, bicycle riders and other persons as well as animals and obstacles must always be observed.
§ 3 Should it not be possible to comply with the constantly required safety distance according to § 2 due to high visitor numbers or other circumstances, the kiting must be omitted or discontinued. High traffic areas are to be avoided.
§ 4 Kiting should only be done with a badge issued with a safe kite ability. The issue of the badge should only be made on proof of theoretical and practical suitability. The more exact requirements of this aptitude test are determined by the statutes of the kite and board association.
§ 5 The wind and weather conditions are always to keep in mind. The lines should always be taken together when not in use. Tempelhof Field is to be kept clean.
§ 6 Before every maneuver the kiter is obliged to look around and to make sure that there is enough space. If space is tight, he must announce his maneuver with a clear hand signal. Predictive driving has the highest priority. The misconduct of other kite athletes is expected.
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In kite sandboarding, the athlete needs to be familiar with his or her material, abilities, and comprehensive kitesport theory. The estimation ability of the wind conditions on the Tempelhof field should be pronounced carefully and taking into account the wind direction changes.
The choice of the correct kite size is therefore to be made according to the wind conditions and the own level of ability. A detailed material check before each trip must become routine. The safety system (Quickrelease), the line and line connections require special attention. The international rules of conduct and right of way correspond with those of all types of sailing which regulate the joint use of lake areas.
The kitelandboard badge serves as a certificate of competency for kiters to have proven this knowledge and ability in a practical and a theoretical exam.
The KBA badge is a credit card sized card and used as a sticker e.g. for the helmet, which proves the up to three completed levels. This proves the sound safety education and the basic performance level of the owner.

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Wind Table

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5 Leash
Tear-off edge
Trailing edge
Leading edge
Beaufort (Bft)
Additional 5th (safety) leash attached from the Safetyleash in the middle of the front tube
Change course away from the wind
Area of the profile where the airflow breaks off
Back edge of the kite
Fine adjustment for the power of the kite by changing the length of the front lines
Driving direction as close as possible to the wind
Change course towards the wind
Front edge (front tube) of the air flow around profile
Safety line on the back at Trapeze runs
Control lines attached to the trailing edge, the trailing edge of the kite, from the outer ends of the bar; Main function: steering the kite
Handlebar of the kite to control, Breaking and accelerating the kite
Classification of visually perceptible effects of different
speeds on water or on land; the Beaufort scale from 1 to 12 corresponds to bandwidths of the measured wind speed; z. B. correspond to 4 Bft 20 to 28 km / h
Sudden and for a short time a strong increase in wind
Immediate attachment / connection points for the line system on the kite
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Flying lines
Flight cloth
Half wind course
Depowerloop, Frontlines
Short piece of chord (or as a "chicken stick" a short rod) tosecure the harness hook in Chickenloop
Connection between harness and handlebar - comparable to the function of a Trapeztampens while surfing
Frontlines, Depowerline
Reduction of the pulling power of the kite
The frontlines are combined in a bar in the area of the bar - the depowerlines
Depower path The length (path) of the depower tampens is decisive for the degree of depower effect
Fabric material (usually Dacron) that makes up the kite, its "skin"
Leads that fork from the center of the bar (Centerline) and are attached to the front tube; Main function: to influence the pulling power of the kite
Inflatable leading edge, the »spine «A tubekite
Direction of travel at right angles to the wind
Long edge of the kite board, to which the heels point (Toeside)
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Kite pump
Leading Edge
Comb line
leash knife
Center lines
One Pump Syst.
Special piston stroke pump, both when pulling as well as pressing air pumps
Unit of measure for speed; 1 knot = 1 nautical mile / hour = 1.852 km / h = 0.541 m / s (wind speed)
Designation for the direction to the wind, which drives the Kiter
Exercise kit for use on land
leading edge
Direction in which the wind blows
Dismantling the linen after these were unrolled from the Kitebar
Special knife for cutting the kiteline in an emergency
Direction from which the wind comes
In addition to km / h and knot unit of measurement for wind speed
Frontlines, Depowerlines
Tubekite, in which the tubes are connected by a closed system
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Ergonomically adapted Pads on the kite board to put your feet on
Accelerate kite in direction of travel
Flight zone where a kite has strong traction develops wind windows
(Struts) between front tube and Outflow edge running tubes for the profiling of a tubekite, the "Ribs"
Quick release systems for gradual Separation from the kite
Driving direction away from the wind
Start the kite out of the water
Safety line, as "last connection" between kiter and kite
Wind that blows parallel to your own location
Kite consisting of two layers of aircloth; circulating in the cell chambers trapped air supports the profile
Kite & Board Association
Tubekite / Softkite / Nasa Star /two liner
Flight zone in which a kite has medium traction developed ->wind window)
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control lines
Tips / Ears
Toeside / Frontside
Trailing Edge
harness hook
Seen in the direction of travel right side of a watercraft
foot straps; padded straps or Plastic tabs that hold the feet on the kiteboard
Freely rotating connections at Chickenloop and at the transition from the depower - Tires to fork the frontlines - Twisted linen can be turned out easily deep relief Deep in the knees
Left and right outer tips of the kite
Long edge of the kiteboard, to which the Toes show heelside
tear-off edge
»Belt« or - in the seat harness - »trousers« to save energy when kiting
Metal strap on the harness, over which one the Trapeze via chickenloop at the bar mounts
Inflatable tube
Kite in which the profile of the air towel through a framework of inflatable tubes (Front tube, transverse tubes) is supported (soft kite)
Hanged out of the harness
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Virtual 5th leash
Line balance
Wind window
Wind window edge
wind speed
Wind hole
wind strength
cell chambers
Name for an additional function one of the two frontlines in a four- Line bar as safety line (5th line), after the release of the 2nd security level connecting the kite with the kiter
Fixing lines directly at the Bar - thicker than the frontlines or backlines
Driving direction exactly with the wind
Short leashes directly on the kite - the train of the frontlines becomes even here distributed on the kite
Area where the kite is flying Wind window edge, soft zone, power zone, zenith
Start and landing area of the kite, because here the power in the screen is the lowest
Measured in m / sec, km / sec or (im nautical area) in knots (Kn). Information in Beaufort (Bft) can be found on the basis of these units of measurement determined values on the Beaufort scale be transmitted.
Sudden and for short time sharp decreasing wind
Colloquial name for the felt or perceived power of wind
Inner division for profile and construction of softkit
Flight zone of the kite vertically above the kiter - little pull of the kite
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